I have a special treat for you. I've opened my blog to all paranormal romance authors so YOU, my dear friends can put some wonderful books on your TBR pile. I'll start things out with two blurbs.
Get ready for the second book coming in February with the first book that started it all!
Dark Passion Rising: A Dark Breed Novel

Valerian has enough on his plate without the added complication of Tambra
Ellis. Fiery and independent? Sure. Beautiful with a body made for sin? Oh Yeh.
And a human cop. Tambra is everything he needs to stay away from.
As leader of the
Tribunal’s enforcers it’s up to him to find out why the Dark Breeds are going
feral and killing humans in ever increasing numbers. Tambra’s life is in the
balance as the secrets of her past place her in the middle of old deceits and a
betrayal that will change the world forever.
Will Marcus and
Tambra’s love survive or will it be too late.
Available now at:
Evernight Publishing: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/products/Dark-Passion-Rising-by-Shannan-Albright.html
Amazon Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Passion-Rising-Breed-Novel-ebook/dp/B004TNGO5E/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2
Book Strand: http://www.bookstrand.com/shannan-albright
1Place for Romance: http://1placeforromance.com/index.php?column=author&searchMe=Shannan%20Albright&_a=viewCat
Beloved Wizard: Knights of Excalibur One
Arthur and his Knights are back and ready to kick
Merci Tramaine is not happy to be called
back into service by her old boss Arthur, especially when she is charged to
find her missing ex lover. Drake Monroe is Merlin reincarnated, with his powers
bound by the Goddess Nimue he has become a skilled fighter, but no match for
Nimue who kidnapped him determined to destroy him forever.
The bloodline of Morgan Le Fey taints
Merci keeping her on the edge between light and dark, the Goddess’s wicked trap
springs shut leaving both Drake and Merci racing against the clock. Passions
ignite once again, but are they too late to plan a future or will they be torn
from each other?
This time for eternity.
Buy Links:
Amazon Chronicles 1: Jungle Heat
ReplyDeleteThe Amazon Rainforest still contains a few secrets. One of these secrets is a hidden village of women whose history is filled with the horror of conquering men.
Adara Rukan, princess of the Amazons, ventures away from her village to find something waiting for her. Andrei "Rei" Makarov is a weretiger and a biologist on assignment. Can Rei and Adara find love enough to bridge their two separate worlds?
Buy links:
Changeling Press: http://www.changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1643
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/amazon-chronicles-sarah-makela/1108136047
All Romance eBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-amazonchroniclesjungleheat-605928-142.html
Fictionwise: http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/b129520/Amazon-Chronicles/Sarah-Makela/?si=0
Amazon Chronicles 2: Jungle Fire
In the Amazon Rainforest, traditions are important. They’ve long lead to survival for the Amazon warrior women.
Kyle Reynolds, ruler of the werepumas, is ready to fly in the face of those treasured customs for the love of Rubia Costa who will soon be out of his grasp if he can't win her affection before allies of the Amazons steal her away from him forever.
Buy links:
Changeling Press: http://changelingpress.com/product.php?&upt=book&ubid=1684
All Romance eBooks: http://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-amazonchroniclesjunglefire-657381-140.html
Thanks, Shannan!
Sarah Mäkelä
Thanks for joining in the fun, Shannan!
ReplyDeleteWerescape Book 1: COUGAR (psychic werewolves)
Consumed by their raw attraction, they misread what stalks them in the wilderness.
Post-apocalyptic Earth: after alien invasion, AEI, 2064 AD, The Wild
With her beloved Shifter mate two days in Oregon's ground, Sierra must choose to live or die. She has two options--join a Shifter clan by choosing a mate or live alone. Life is dangerous for a woman after the extraterrestrial invasion. Women choose protection in a group or are sold into slavery, even to the aliens. She opts for the protection of the clan, him.
He's glorious. Empathetic. And resolved to mark her. He will not lose her. Jackal, the powerful right-hand Shifter of the clan's leader, her brother-in-law, is determined she will be taken care of properly as mates aren't easily come by. Especially in The Wild. But they just met, and she fights mating in her early stages of mourning. Honor-bound with a vow made over his brother's death bed to see her safe, he internally swears to win her love. Whatever it takes.
But she harbors a dangerous secret. Born a Cougar, she dares not risk revealing she's a Shifter, or bounty hunters will descend upon the remote mountain village to capture her for extraterrestrials. Villagers would die in the attacks. However, her Cougar rises up to claim Jackal for its mate. Shifter meets Cougar. Cougar claims her mate. Never-ending fireworks mark their raw attraction. But when the post-apocalyptic world is determined to tear them apart, will Normals, Shifters, or aliens win? Bet your money on COUGAR.
Werescape Book 1
Author: Skhye Moncrief
Rating: Carnal/Spicy
Genre: paranormal/futuristic romance
Mid-length novel
***Warning: Heroine mates with hero in his Wolfskin.
Nominated 2011 Best Erotic Paranormal Shifter Romance at The Romance Reviews
READ CH. 1 at http://blog.skhyemoncrief.com/2011/10/27/1st-chapter---werescape-cougar.aspx
Read more SMOKING excerpts at http://blog.skhyemoncrief.com/2011/10/25/excerpts-werewolves-in-werescape-cougar.aspx
on Kindle http://www.amazon.com/Cougar-Werescape-ebook/dp/B005DHPCPS/ref=ntt_at_ep_edition_2_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2
at Fictionwise http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/a31813/Skhye-Moncrief/?
at ARE http://www.allromanceebooks.com/storeSearch.html?searchBy=author&qString=Skhye+Moncrief
Post a blurb/buy link for your Paranormal Bad Boy at my blog...
Thanks Shannan! :)
Lord Jeremy North's curse is to become a werewolf during every full moon, turning into a bloodthirsty monster that kills with no remorse. When he finds a woman nearly frozen upon his doorstep, his sense of honor compels him to help her, even at the risk he might kill her himself.
Lillian Merriweather hadn't planned to get caught in a blizzard while traveling the English countryside. Nor had she planned on finding refuge in a house full of secrets. But Lillian has secrets of her own. And what she's running from is not far behind...
Available at:
The Wild Rose Press: